• Who are we?

    We are makkajai - we make learning fun.

    "Makkajai" means "I want" in Konkani. It's what a child says when they really want something - a toy, a sweet, or even a hug. "Makka candy jai" (I want candy), or "Makkajai te khelni" (I want that toy).


    We want our products to be so compelling, that kids don't feel forced into using them, like when they are forced to do homework, or even schoolwork. We want kids to say "I want" - we want them to choose, and pick our products with no coercion. Because when kids buy into the process, they learn way faster than when they are fighting the learning process.


    We can't change kids - we don't want to change them. However, we can change the quality of learning content we put in front of them - and that's what we do. Once we're done, you won't need text books or black boards.

  • Team Makkajai

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    Roopesh Shenoy

    CEO & Co-Founder

    Works hard, parties harder. Also writes code.

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    Deep Shah

    CTO & Co-Founder

    Writes Code. Most of our stuff works because of this guy.

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    Growth Hacker

    He helps our products reach places.

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    QA Engineer

    Cool under pressure

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    Product Manager

    Bringing UX, Dev, and Business together to create products that amaze and engage kids!

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    Play Designer

    An educator who's into all things creative. Thinks like a kid and designs for one.

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    social mediaholic at work, tantrum negotiator at home

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    Software Developer

    Works hard..

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    Executive Assistant

    Here to make everyone else's job a little easier (hopefully)

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    Kindergarten Philosopher

    Who knows???!

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    Marketing Enthusiast

    Spreading the love for our brand

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    Software Development Engineer

    Complex problems, elegant solutions, one coder. 

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    Software Test Engineer

    Usually chills with the lions in his backyard & in his free time he gets rid of the bugs in our apps

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    Office Assistant

    Director of office supplies and beverage distribution.

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    Cleanliness Inspector

    Thinks with her head, cleans with her heart. Brightening places and lives